Monday, 24 November 2014

A classic country affair

In my first blog I mentioned that one of the "must do's" of planning any event or celebration is to have a theme. So I thought I would give some ideas and inspiration on different themes that are popular or trending at the moment.

Today we look at a Country Classic look and feel. The best thing about a theme like this is the whimsical fun that you can have with it. It is also more cost effective as you get to use a lot of old bottles and lace and raffia to create an easy at-home feel. What I also love about the Country Classic theme is the free flowing and easy feeling that it portrays- elegant is great, but can be a bit stifling and structured. With a Country Classic theme, you get to let your hair down, use pastel colours and take the day easy.

Here are some guidelines...

Good country classic colours: Think vintage- dusty pink, any pastels, light gold and silver, browns and greens.

Materials: Lots of natural materials, glass, tin, silver and gold, lace, raffia, hessian and canvas.

Flowers: Think garden picked- carnations, sunflowers, daisies, lillies, sweet peas, hypericum, roses and pansies

Little extras: Bantings, cardboard name tags, wooden pegs, wooden logs, picnic signs, simple but striking topography and lots of candles.

Have a look at the pic's and get the creative juices flowing. Enjoy!!

Wednesday, 5 November 2014

Wedding favors, to be or not to be?

With all the stress that goes into a wedding, or any celebration/ event for that matter, comes the added stress that you now have to give your guests a thank you gift.

So here's my advice, or at least my take on the subject...

I have been to many weddings and received many thank you gifts- some edible, some personalized and some really expensive. The sad truth is that most of the time, the favor ends up in the dustbin.

How is one suppose to find a gift that suits all your friends and family's? It's near impossible!

I think the best and most special favors are those that are personal and show the character, almost ethos, of the couple getting married.

Give your gift the personal touch, let it be the last word on your celebration day as your guests take it home as a momento of an amazing day spent with family and friends.